You don’t see many bourbons that are bottled-in-bond these days. The distinction was created in 1897 by the Bottled-In-Bond Act due to low quality hooch killing Americans. The government asked that distillers age their product a minimum of four years, produce a product of 100 proof and finally it must be distilled from a single distillery with juice from the same year. Once all of the requirements are met the government will seal the product as bottled-in-bond.
The Henry McKenna Single Barrel meets all of theses requirements and is thus bottled-in-bond. The bottle tasted here is from barrel number 1275 and was bottled on 9/30/03. The nose has a spicy rye, woodiness that is tamed by some carmel. The taste has a fantastic rye and wood flavor that continues through the finish with a grainy rawness.
This is the first time I have tasted Henry McKenna Single Barrel and I really enjoyed the spicy, rye flavor profile of the product. Distilled by Heavenly Hill Distillery, I shouldn’t be surprised by the taste or the quality.
Other products distilled by Heavenly Hill Distillery:
Parker’s Heritage
Elijah Craig Barrel Proof