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Best Quotes from Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead

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i'm right on top of that rose quotes gifs from don't tell mom the babysitter's dead

1992 seems like it was yesterday. Times were simpler and you basically broke your VHS of “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead” by rewinding it over and over again. But at least you were able to quote it like there was no tomorrow. Who didn’t wonder what would happen if your 16 year old sister had to take care of the whole family all summer long? Here’s some of the best quotes, scenes and moments from “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead.” I’m right on top of that, Rose!

1.  I’m Right on Top of that Rose!

2.  Why Don’t You Save Your Last Three Brain Cells?

3.  When the Babysitter Arrives…

4.  Per-So-Nnel:  We all hated her.  For Always.

5.  When the Orders Were Given…

6.  And When the Chores Were Over…

7.  When Sue Ellen Has Had ENOUGH…

8.  …But Was Starting to Gain Some Confidence

9.  When Katrina Freaked During the Backyard Fashion Show

10.  When We All Felt Shot Down

11.  When Sue Ellen Got Deep

12.  When Even WE Freaked Out Over that Damn QED Report!!!

13.  When We Weren’t Sure What Was Happening….And Neither Did She

14.  When Sue Ellen Tried on All Her Mom’s Work Clothes

15.  When Kenny’s Room Basically Killed the Babysitter

16.  When This Dance Basically Just Happened

17.  When Sue Ellen Was Stressed (and Smoking Was Ok?)

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