If you’re looking for gift ideas that are off the beaten path, and for a recipient with a sense of humor, Firebox is the place. Although it’s not necessarily for the faint of heart.
So we don’t want to oversell this, but Firebox is the best website on the internet, ever. Of all time. And forever. They’re not paying us to say any of these nice things about them, but we are genuinely obsessed with them. They’re our spirit animal, we’re their stalker, and they don’t even know any of this.
10% Off
What Is It?
Ok so let’s get down to it. Firebox is the place to find the coolest and most insane gift ideas anywhere. For real. Even when we’re not looking for a gift we just browse their site and then tag all our friends because we can’t believe half of this stuff exists. Our one disclaimer is that their products aren’t for uptight Karen’s. You know the type.
Not only do they have some of the funniest gifts, like, ever but they actually have things you’d want to give and receive. And some of their most popular merch is actually stuff that they’ve created themselves. You may remember seeing their shot glass chess game, their personalized face cushions, and their “happy f***ing whatever” confetti balloons all over the internet. Yep, that’s Firebox. We originally discovered them in our Insta feed because, after The Today Show, Instagram is where we get all our hard hitting news from. We’re good like that. What election?
Since we stalk them on the regular and really really really want you to start stalking shopping them too, we’ve added so many of their must-haves to a variety of our award winning gift guides. They’ve been featured in some of ours like “Personalized Gift Ideas That Aren’t Lame AF,” and “You’ll Want to Win Back These White Elephant Gifts,” and “Perfect Christmas Presents For Your Teen Who IS the Worst, Ever.” Truth be told, we get more emails about these products than just about anything else we’ve ever listed. We think people assume we work at Firebox and, while we love it here at Brostrick, we wish we worked there. Hint.
Some popular areas you gotta check out right quick:
- Their Top 50 (Current) Best Sellers – See It Here
- The Most Ridiculous Novelty Gifts Ever – See It Here
- Um, Actual Mystery Boxes Exist – See It Here
We know you’re supposed to be thinking of other people when shopping for a gift, but since this year has been a literal dumpster fire, we say “treat yourself” and you do you. And all those other phrases. So check them out, like, now. It’ll be the highlight of your day life.
Are There Promo Codes or Coupons?
Are you people crazy? Everyone always asks this! Always looking for some kind of deal. So here’s the real deal, nooooooooo Firebox doesn’t have coupons or promo codes for you to use. We do not have any of those here (and stop yelling). If you’re spending your entire day on some of those other sites that say they have coupon codes for them, they’re prob a bunch of Pinocchios. However, Firebox does have some discount code offers to use if you’re one of their customers. You must check all this out on their own website (not here) because we’ve seen things like where you can take 10% off by subscribing to their site (it’s free, relax), and even some tech gadget codes too. The catch? You gotta shop them directly on their site. Check all their offers out here!
In the meantime here are the quickest ways to see the latest and greatest promos from Firebox in this Valentine’s Day!
Low as $7
Low as $14
Low as $6
10% Off
Promo Codes & Sales:
Coupons at Redbubble
Promo Codes at Minted
GiftTree Promo Code & Coupon
Hickory Farms Coupons
MeUndies Promo Code & Sale
The Funniest Gag Gifts Ever