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If You Can Only Do One Workout Routine This Year, Do Plyometrics

Box jumps and squat jumps and burpees, oh my!

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Easy Plyometrics Workouts & Routines 2025

I’ve been working out since I was 12 years old when my dad bought the family a California Gold 2000 weight system.  I was certain this was going to get me looking like the fitness models I saw in the Calvin Klein ads (some could say I appreciated a good physique at a young age).

Pumping iron served it’s purpose because at the time I had developed a rather nice muscle definition even in junior high school but as I got older, and a little bit more of a perfectionist, I became unhappy with my lower half. I had big legs but I wanted a more solid, firm ass and a more defined trunk. This is why six years ago, I incorporated something into my workout that I now couldn’t do without. I’m talking about Plyometrics.

What is Plyometrics?

Plyometrics are exercise movements that are short and explosive, exerting all of your effort in each movement and entering into a new level of power! Plyometrics are mostly done in the lower plane of your body where the legs and core are worked to their limit.

What Plyometrics is Good For