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Are There Types of Workouts That Stimulate the  ‘Mind & Body Connection’ Concept?

You ask Josh. Josh answers.

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Exercises For Mind Body Connection

Introducing Josh Grimm, Brostrick’s Men’s Fitness & Mindfulness Editor. He is the creator and founder of the fitness, nutrition, wellness, and mindfulness brand FITNUT.

FITNUT was created in 2014 as a personal training business for private clients in New York City and has since launched other phases and offerings – now holistically bridging the gap between mindfulness and fitness, the latest of phases for the brand.

FITNUT personal training, wellness coaching and global immersive retreats, are all designed for the modern individual who navigates the complexities of life with vigor and mindfulness. It provides not only the tools for physical transformation but also the space for emotional and mental growth, acknowledging that true wellness transcends the gym. The podcasts, You Tube channel, social media education, and customized online coaching services serve as conduits for inspiration, education, and community building, inviting users into a conversation that uplifts, informs, and connects. 

Josh is going to be giving tips and techniques to help you achieve the full spectrum of living like a FITNUT warrior through topics and questions from you, the readers of Brostrick.  We invite you to take part of the conversation by submitting your questions to

Step into the realm of total wellness with our Fitness and Mindfulness Q&A, FITNUT SESSIONS, and embark on your journey to being a FITNUT Warrior!

Now let’s get to it!


user question

Hey Josh, are there types of workouts that can help to stimulate the  ‘mind + body connection’ concept? How does all that work?


Josh's Answer

I love this question because it’s a topic I speak about frequently and one that I am very passionate about.

To answer the question, id like to give two examples of how you may have already experienced this connection and what it means to you in terms of physical fitness.

Imagine you are just starting your fitness journey or perhaps working towards a new, challenging goal. You start to put in the work and effort in the gym towards your program and slowly, but absolutely, you will begin to experience emotions of the mind. Pride, accomplishment, drive, determination… these emotions are a direct response to your body’s output of work. That’s a mind + body connection response.

Another example would be that you are already well into a fitness routine- you workout 4-6 days a week and you are in pretty great physical condition but you’ve plateaued and you want to push farther. Because you already know from experience how you have felt in the past from your physical output emotionally, you know to tap into the emotions of your MIND to push your BODY. You dig deep to find that warrior inside of you that lives in your head to push you to your new limits. Another way you connected the mind and body.

Now, in terms of specific exercises that help connect more to the topic at hand, the limit is really on you. The importance is to know the fundamentals of how to connect the mind and body… techniques such as meditation, breath work, and yoga will enhance the clarity between the two and you can then use that knowingness to be applied to any physical form of fitness.


Got a question for Josh?  You can send your questions to  You can also check out Josh’s online coaching; FITNUT COACHING here.