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10 Reasons Why Steve Martin is so Hilarious

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Steve Martin is hilarious.   That is all there is to it.  It probably has something to do with the fact that he is 100% completely comfortable being the but of the joke and at the same time the smartest person in the room.  From the Jerk to L.A. Story to Parenthood to Shopgirl he never fails to make us laugh.  Here are 10 of his best moments of all time.


Because he’s the every man . . . a jerk.


Because he brings a trident to dinner.


Because he’s the dentist.


Because those aren’t pillows


Because he’s wild and crazy


Because he’s not afraid to take on big business.


Because he’s the best movie dad ever.


Because he’s easy to shock.


Because he’s the best dancer.


Because he deserves it.