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The 9 Best Quotes From Trading Places

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Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd is a hysterical movie; as an added bonus you can learn about Commodities Markets and Short Selling.  So if you are thinking about investing in Pork Bellies or Frozen Concentrated Orange juice, this is the movie for you.

1.  I can see…I have legs!

2.  You want me to break something else?

3.  Those men wanted to have sex with me…

4.  Hey, we’re losing all our damn money, and Christmas is around the corner, and I ain’t gonna have no money to buy my son the G.I. Joe with the kung-fu grip! And my wife ain’t gonna f… my wife ain’t gonna make love to me if I got no money!

5.  Sell! Sell! Sell!

6.  In Philadelphia it is worth $50 bucks.

7.  S-car-go.

8.  Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice…

The End: Looking good Billy Ray. Feeling good Lewis.